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Unfortunately, I couldn't get the Mac release to work. The OS complains that the package is damaged.

Hey! thanks for letting me know.

: (

I managed to run it on mac by cd-ing to the app dir and then just  `./Contents/MacOS/love ./Contents/Resources/tiny\ stealthy\` so the game itself is all good, it's just the packing  which I don't know how to get right.

This is obviously too much to ask a player to do; I'll try to figure out this issue later today.

Sweet, I’ll fire up my terminal and give it a spin!

That command worked great, glad I got to play this game! I really enjoyed what you were able to do with the limited color palette. It made everything feel very tied together and united. The camera rotation was flipped from what I expected as a RotMG player, but that was the only thing that bugged me. Fantastic game!

Heck, I don't know how to make it work... either Apple made it more complicated then needed (this is certain) or I'm not as smart as I think (also certain). Either case, glad you've had a chance to play it in the and and happy I've liked it. Thank you!