okay! kept playing, but then i got a glitch? an enemy dropped a fridge, but when i got to the crafting screen, i had the forge unlocked too, all of the base elements were set to zero, if you try to do anything with the base elements or forge/fridge, it doesnt show up on the crafting table and you get the message about "you can't craft with two of the same items" and you can't advance to the next level? which kinda sucks.
i was having fun with crafting different flowers. i was super surprised the first time when the waterlily turned out to have such a huge range. i got the waterlily, firelily, cactus, goldenrod, and the cherry blossom.
but like, on another note?
i noticed that you can't see enemy projectiles behind trees, which makes it hard to dodge them sometimes. plus, having so many props means that sometimes the projectile bouncing gets a bit crazy? like, you can wedge yourself between the rocks and the bottom of the level in the first level and end up shooting backwards.
i mostly notice since i never use melee weapons. since, aside from the fire sword, they all kinda have a short range? i don't like getting anywhere close to enemies, since 3 hp + enemies that do damage on contact + weapon you have to get up close to use...
anyways! looking forward to keeping up with this game!