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I hate to ask, but I've been trying to find a solution where the humans aren't 'escorted' off the premises for about an hour now, and I can't for the life of me find one.  Could you please tell me in a Spoiler???  

there's a section in the walkthrough that mentions how to get the alternate endings to that sequence, but if you don't want to scroll through other spoilers, here's a summary:

(spoilers for that sequence below)

each character has certain scenes that give them 'points', and when the overall number of points is past a certain level, you get an alternate ending, with different characters doing different things based on their individual points.

  • leader / agares: asking him 'why are you in town' several times will give him a point. talking to him about 'human army command' once or twice will give him another point
  • second-in-command / leraje: trying 'make smalltalk' several times gives him some points. asking him 'why are you in town' twice after asking agares several times will give him another point and unlock a new talk option, 'human army command'

  • munitions guy / maxwell: wait a few days, then try 'make smalltalk' twice. blowing him gives him one point, and choosing 'make smalltalk' a third time gives him another. the sex option of riding his dick also gives him a point.

  • recon guy / raven: asking him if he wants to fuck three times and then blowing him gives him a point. after that some of his sex options will give him another point

  • rook: asking him where he's from gives him one point. talking to him about a few different options and then choosing 'make smalltalk' will unlock a whole sequence that leads to him having sex options; having sex with him will give him a point. if i've also had sex with maxwell, there are options to have a threesome (by asking about 'gheist dicks') that will give him another point

(in retrospect, making a lot of these depend on asking people the same thing repeatedly when most of the conversation topics just repeat with no change wasn't very good game design. it can definitely be tough to hit enough of those within the given time limit, but they're all possible!)


Oh!!  I didn't even realize there was a walkthrough!!!  Sorry about that ;;; and thank you for your response : )