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simple and addictive.It's slowind down from time to time but like it.Few sounds will add a bit more atmospheric fun I suppose but I'm not a game developer just a guy who like puzzle platformer a lot !

Thank you for your comment and feedback! The current playable version is still the jam version, i’m updating the game as of now with a little breaks, but you can follow either here or over at any of my other social sites!

Speed/momentum will be changed, as i rewrote a bit of a code, which allows you to keep momentum off boosters. Sound is still a bit WIP, i’m not that good at them, but trying!

Thanks again for playing it!


thanks for programming the game and still working on it ! hope we can have also a windows build later :) 

That is possible really easily, as i know Pico-8 can export into windows binaries, gonna take a look at it in a few days!

Thanks :) I'm Waiting !