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You don't know how happy I am to hear people are still loving my game, MariaDarkchild--so thank YOU! QuQ

and, oh? Are you also making a VN? OuO
What help do you require? If you have any question about backgrounds, ask away! I'll answer as best as I can.
But if it's something else, maybe try adding me on facebook so we can chat?

yeeee im trying to make a visual novel based on markipliers date with markiplier videos and turn it into a game. Its mainly a fan game. I know how to code the engine its just making the sprites and CGs XD 

and mine aint that good so yee ill make a facebook account and add yah on it x3

Okay! Looking forward to it! 
Ah, for the sprites and CGs... all I can say is look for style references that you like and use them as quality-control/goal >< it took days for me to be satisfied with a sketch and even then, I still go back to polish them now and then--but that might be just me :'D
Will your facebook name have 'Maria' in it? 

i normally use Discord to chat with ppl but i havent set up a facebook yet lmao XD yeah im dumb