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The web version clearly states that there are framerate issues.
If they make the game unplayable you could just download the windows version that to my knowledge has only minor fps issues.

As you may or may not have noticed this is a gamejam game. I do not want to spend time on optimizing (which could easily take multiple days) if it already works.

At the moment my priority is content, not optimizing for web (I don't even know if that is possible).

Also, have you tried the Level Editor? It should run well in the web version. And while you're at it try changing the occlusion mode to Keep_Lit. That should make for a smoother experience. If it's still bad switch the occlusion completely off.

I'm looking forward to your response.


as a grain of advise, i would say that you should optimize for web. many people prefer web games rather than junking up their downloads folder. your game does not pack enormous content, don't see why you shouldn't take a day or two to optimize for web. as a side question, how long have you been doing game development?


I have made simple games since about May 2018. I made it a serious Hobby around August 2019.

I don't want to optimise the game yet because to do that I had to rebuild the whole lighting system.
It is very probable that rebuilding this system will take more time than you think. It is also not sure if the performance increase will be high enough to make the game playable on the web. I'd much rather spend the remaining 8 days of the jam to make more content.

By the way, I don't think people will mind a 13MB download.

And, have you tried the Level Editor? It should run well in the web version. And try changing the occlusion mode to Keep_Lit. That should make for a smoother experience. If it's still bad switch the occlusion completely off.