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I somehow managed to finish it! Great game, the battles and the music go really well together. I wonder if it’s possible to beat the last guy, or you are supposed to lose?

I like how you go as far as animating the actual game window, very nice effect! It even worked on Linux through Wine, which makes it even more impressive for me.

There were few technical issues, but nothing serious. Like when you reach screen edge you get teleported to the center, causing you to take a lot of damage. I also couldn’t move in the battle with James, but it got fixed once I restarted the game.

The only problem is that I don’t really understand how this game correlates to the jam theme. Can you clarify? I’m probably just not smart enough. :-P

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you for playing! Let me clarify some things:

About the teleportation thing... i will remove it from the game  because a lot of people thought the same as you. Sorry for being an inconvenience. About the James fight it was a variable that won't reset until after the game restarted. Sorry for that too. You were supposed to play as Nathan but due to time limitations i had to scrap that mecahnic so in the end it's a fight were you were meant to lose. About the theme, you play as both you the player, and Sierra in normal and gem mode. Hope that answers your questions. Thanks again for playing! ^^

Thanks for clarifying! It’s a bit subtle, but I think it passes as playing both sides!