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My videos have suffered a bit recently from the fact that I've been having issues with my sleeping. Alongside that, as I was talking to someone else about recently, I have some struggle with playtesting games that have a lot of time tension. I take my time focusing on little details, and doing analysis, and I expend a lot of brain power just trying to put words to my thoughts, so I can't focus the way I would playing something casually with no recording going on.  With all that considered, you'll notice I spent most of my time being destroyed cutely by your game, and simply watching while the world burned around me. It seems seriously hard, but it might go a bit differently if I were playing it casually.  I hope you find the video useful, and I apologize for the very tired brain. 

Thanks for playing frien!

It's a shame but I think you maybe misclicked and advanced the tutorial when it was explaining clocks. When they are flashing (ticking) and you click them they delay the trains, otherwise they will start it immediately. I think I might just have two different buttons for it because it's not the first time people got confused. I guess less options != clearer choices. I'll see if I can implement a "back" button to the tutorial or have a quick help button always handy.

Also yeah the game does require quite a bit of concentration, it used to be even faster (lol). I can never tell if the game is too hard or too easy by myself since I have to play it so much and "know" the solutions to the levels because I make them. A second "slowing everything down" pass is in the works already. I do know very well how it feels to be running on low sleep, so no worries.