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This is a pretty funny game. I love the concept of being fired and stealing everything in the office. I love that you packed the office with so much cool, wacky, and fun stuff. Not just things you'd find in office. Fitting music as well.

What this is missing is some characters that fill the office and some challenges. Maybe a security guard to avoid, or a camera to shut down. A drunk boss that has a really expensive bottle that you can only get if you talk him out of quitting.  Right now, I just see something and take it with no real challenge or consequences. 

I love that you gotta pack and organise the stuff you actually wanna keep in a suitcase. Nice touch. But since there's only one level right now, the suitcase seems a little small. 

Would really love it if you keep working on this and make more levels!

Overall a great job (pun intended). Hope to see you in more game jams! :D 

Thanks for the in-depth feedback! We appreciate it and are happy to hear you enjoyed the game :^)