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I loved it!

I've just discovered your profile and game, but it's basically what a bearish D&D player would have loved to play :P

It's... a bit short, but, the pace is perfect. I wish it was longer.
I'm so willing to support (even getting involved in the production) a similar game.
I still haven't checked your profile page or works, but I really hope this game was not one of a kind.

Kudos for creating it. The (niche) community needs more quality content like this.

Thanks for playing :D

All my stuff is aimed at the same public (people that like big boys).
I know my games are short (this one being the longest of the bunch so far).
Since I mostly work on my own, I try to keep the scopes short and manageable for a one person team.

I hope you enjoy my other games if you get the chance.

Thanks again for playing.-