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I just wanted to say that this isn't my usual thing, but the writing and art are fantastic and seriously Asterion pulls at my heartstrings so much I just wanna see him happy so bad...

1. As for a gift though, what about a white asphodel flower?  Something he can wear behind his ear or in a lapel, something to remind him of the better times and of his sister?

2. I couldn't bring myself to send him out to the valley on my first playthrough. I just couldn't. On my second playthrough, I sent him out to see if Argos was being honest, and I immediately regretted it, so I went back. I honestly don't think any explanation to Asterion will reassure him after he begged you not to send him out and you ignore him. That type of trauma won't heal fast, if ever. But I understand this is a fantasy game, and maybe a sincere apology to Asterion explaining you didn't think anything bad would happen might be a start?

3. I'm not sure what I'd like to say to Asterion, except what we've already said (we won't hurt him or force him to do something he doesn't want). Maybe try to reinforce to him that we see him as an equal in all respects? And... I think we should dance with him, have a moment of shared vulnerability to show him we aren't infallible

I understand 0.3 will be out Soon(tm) and this feedback won't make it into that build, but hopefully it will shape future updates!


Love the asphodel flower idea, that's really sweet
We already settled on three accessories for build 0.3 (like you say we're getting there, so close!) but this thread has some really solid ideas, I'll heavily consider adding a lot of these that later on