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Love the atmosphere, both visually and in terms of sound. I think it's the strong point of your game!

I've looked at your source, really nice use of animations, I will take inspiration from that!

Sometimes it's a bit hard to find the pickups, I think it would be interesting gameplay wise if you added a specific sound to locate them in the world (using audiostreamplayer2D)

Otherwise, really great!

Thank you.

I actually had a wind chime loop playing for the pickups, but spawning the pickups with the sound froze the game every time for a second (the sound file was maybe too big) so i just deleted it. I didn't want to bother implementing some kind of object pooling for it. The level was also too small for the positional audio to make a big difference anyways, you could either hear all of the pickups at once or only hear them when they are almost on screen anyways. I think the best solution would actually be to increase the spawn rate of pickups or their lifetime or spawn a bunch at the start of the level.