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How are you doing down there??? Me??? Jus't chilling up there…

(Here, you can see the main menù\first level as a little blue dot: isn't he cute???)

Two words: Infinite Dash.

It was fun… (Mainly because of the infinte dash glitch, but it was fun undeless...)


ahah yes. I think there are a lot of other glitches T_T

(1 edit) (+1)

We indeed found this glitch when we built the project, and we couldn't do much about it.

After all, a game made in a game jam without fun glitches, is it really worth it?


ahahahahahaaa, didn't even thought about going here, thank you for the feedback!

Wow, thank you all for the rensponses!!! I honestly wasn't expected that!!! Thank you to all of you, you made my day!!

Also, in response to Sukairuto, To it's a game jam's game whitout fun glitches it's not really wort it!!! XD (Unless it's really fun, in that case is forgived...)