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If you took a look at the XKCD comic, you’d notice, that in the final version, no ball will be seen. Only for the visitors, who will cheer you up and lead you (or your opponent?) using emojis.

Do you have ideas on how to manage sound with a GameLoop? I’m not a game dev by profession, so I was a bit struggling here. I think, I should cut the sound a bit shorter and somehow avoid a loop playback …

(1 edit)

It depends on the tools you build your game with. In Phaser it's pretty simple to manage sound. 

And specifically  about the sounds in your game, crowd shout is too short and plays in a loop, so it  feels too   repetitive. I'd recommend to find a longer sample for this sound, with some additional crowd noises, so it feels like an environment and not  just a  single sound on a loop. 


The actual sample was longer, but I cut it down to save a bit on loading time. Okay, so something less repetitive. Thanks. I can do that!