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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey ! cool to see a new game, at first it's a bit hard to keep track of every fish and keep them well fed enough to keep the population going, but once you get into the right flow, it's fun to see these guys swim around and get the meter going ^^ I feel that for some post jam content you could add more variety with maybe different type of fish and stuff, and maybe find a way to have the environement background evolving to reflect the "cleanliness" progression outside of the UI itself, but otherwise the background itself looks really good, and i like your vector art fish :)

Thanks! :D
Yeah, the game isn't very polished yet (because of the time limit), but I already have many ideas for further development, and I also got a ton of feedback from other jammers, so I definitely make an updated version! :)


No problem, jams in a nutshell with the time limit shenanigans XD but in a way it's always good to avoid feature creep, glad that you'll be working on a post jam version, it'll be cool to see the result and developement along the way :)

Now, I just need to find time to work on it... :D