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Wow thank you so much! You're the first person that tries to go through my poorly made first ever secret lol so I'm sorry for that.

I think what you might be missing is this here at the end... I just checked and it does work even tho it's probably a pain to catch ingame.... I'm sorry again and thanks for playing!!

(3 edits)

thank you for the reply!!! i will continue trying it out ^_^

okay so, i've finally sat down and written out every possible order of letters (32 combinations, if i account for possible B/P and M/N mixups) and tried them all with "" in front of them, but still haven't found a solution. that said, dont sweat it too hard! i totally get how difficult and unpredictable game development can be, so there's nothing to feel especially sorry for!! even if it ends up being unsolvable, i still had fun trying to puzzle it out :)
