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(1 edit)

Okay, sheesh. First of all, that comment is not only not on the front page anymore, and of course also MrDrNose finally did my job for me - yay - but it's also outdated. And do you really think people are going to go through the developer logs and read that after first looking at the game? I mean, it's still a comment, not even at the top of the page. Also, I still think it bears some kind of resemblance to BBIEAL, and I didn't even say it in 35 sentences, unless you count the whole speech.

You also didn't contextualise the paragraph below the first one. It's just generally a thing I do. Suddenly I realise how many recurring uses of language I'm using nowadays lol

Secondly, I still think I exclusively pointed out some things that would be useful and good to know for new players, returning players, or otherwise users playing the game that are quite strange to the current versions. Now I know I have to update my comment, but I think only me, you and ET (you know the kid) ever really saw it after it got there. And I think it's going to stay there now for two very good reasons.

Also thirdly, how would you expect it to find other players by itself? It doesn't get advertised literally anywhere except for Itch and also GameJolt where the latest version was at Christmas Curse and is now obsolete, and a great number of the BBIEAL community already know to some extent what AEWVS is. Yes, perhaps they don't know about

the new trash bins, lockers, desks, graphics, quality settings, dynamic items, secret areas, tarwills, medical things, Marzia, the language level as a whole, Kostyan, even the Puppet, Watcher, Alice, also Erie, who's the most influential character in the game('s community), any of the SCPs, pretty much any of the memes in the game, the red skies, or even something as simple as what happens to the last math notebook

but they do know something about AEWVS already: that the start of the game seems to copy BBIEAL so much that Viktor literally teaches and moves like Baldi but dynamic rather than tile-based and slower, Mr. Cleany-Clean is the only helpful character and that soda and chocolate are useful. Even MrDrNose described his first versions as "garbage". And I'm not sure the game preview's description and image are even enough to convince any returning players at all that AEWVS has changed much, let convince anyone that it's become much more different to BBIEAL than when Markiplier last played it. And who would even imagine actually working on this game like it has been worked on for nearly two years? I think that if we're going to bring this game back to relevance, in spite of the knowledge of the community as it is, we probably WILL have to readvertise it and have some way to let people know that it's all new and different, and that it's starting to be one of it's kind. Now, I know that's not your goal, but really, people have willingly played much more tedious games than this and really, the biggest obstacle here is realising that you're supposed to learn what everything does and form strategies. So it's not even that hard anymore. I mean, come on, the new update really simplifies everything by a lot. Brainiac might even be at regular difficulty at this point. Anyway, getting anyone to play this game will be a lot harder with existing videos of people playing old versions of AEWVS (unless you manually search "AEWVS" on YouTube and fall into the rabbit hole of spoilers, memes and most importantly late versions), as well as most people knowing how much it was just a BBIEAL remake with advanced aspects to it.

Oh and by the way, my strategy was to start at the bottom and get lots of little YouTubers to play the game, especially ones that allow requests. Now I know revisiting this weird fangame sounds tedious, but you'd probably be more willing to do it if it's more popular with people. The game doesn't say it's a remake or a redo though, so nobody will really know until they play the game. And then get stuck for a lack of experimentation.

Look, if you can think of a better idea, go on, let me know.