I was really impressed that you managed to make a game this spinny and disorienting—a cool ludic tension-builder!—without making it...nauseating. At least for me, anyway. That's a hard needle to thread. There are some little things you could adjust in camera and controls (without sacrificing the scrambling nature of the player's actions) to add some QoL and make the setup work for something bigger, but I think it works great for this game.
Also, maybe I missed something, but gryyvat gur cynlre nobhg n abarkvfgrag tha vf irel zrna. V ybir vg. Znqr gur npghny fbyhgvba srry yvxr phggvat gur Tbeqvna xabg.
Nyfb n arng jnl gb cynl jvgu gur nffhzrq fpbcr bs gur tnzr; V svtherq V jnf tbvat gb unir gb or onggyvat zhygvcyr ybofgref jura gur svefg bar fubjrq hc.
Cool, concise, classic "neat mechanic" jam game.