Hello hello!
Thank you for playing and taking the time to leave such a comprehensive review!!
Congrats on getting all the achievements haha. (and playing through all the parts)
I'm glad you liked Souma!! Enough to feel so strongly about his pining!! ❤️ I wanted to write him as a gruff thug but he kept getting soft at various points. He has a mind of his own lmao.
Please don't kick Izumi... (Even though he fully deserves it at that point) haha. As for the foreshadowing it was honestly a struggle deciding how much was too much, but with your input, feeling more at ease.
Ahh the alternate ending thought does make me wonder. But I feel like that context would have too much drama and too many challenges to summarize within just an epilogue XD Anything where the press can get you and Pride-y MCPride Face is breathing down your neck will get messy, you can bet.
Thanks again for playing !! :')