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A Win 2000 computer?! Wow I'm a little shocked that it worked, but on the other hand, it's built on a solid python foundation. I'll have to remember that when I put in the  "Minimum Requirements" on Steam haha.

Thanks as always for your comments — it really helped me keep up the Releases. :)

Bill Watterson, in one of his anthologies, explained that he used older televisions in Calvin and Hobbes because they had more personality. That always stuck with me and I think it's really true, so I used older tech where appropriate.

Anyway, I'm glad you found the ending satisfying. I think that's partially due to how the story is linear instead of having multiple endings, but I also tried to make it more obviously climactic and explain every single thing — except that one thing. ;)


You did a great job, and yeah, it actually ran fine! (The computer itself ran hot, but not so hot that it was in danger... Probably...) Not that I'd recommend players follow my route; it just made the tension feel increasingly, uh, tense..? :P 

I'd actually talk more about why the ending was satisfying, I think how you used foreshadowing well, even where I missed it (uh.... Dang, the whole Winner's Squares - they were there the entire time? And wait, does that mean they're essentially... A circle... Of squares?! HOW DOES THIS TIE BACK TO PIERRE THOUGH - ), but...

Really, it just was a great experience from start to finish. Being able to be part of a project throughout was fun too, and I'm glad I could give back a bit. :)


Oh, it's all connected to Pierre (who's getting a revamp next update)! Yup, the Winner's Squares were there from the beginning. :)