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A well-designed game where the elements support each other.  Gameplay is smooth and provides a nice challenge. Maybe I would have liked a little panic atmosphere if the birds had gradually filled the screen if you hadn't hit them :D The looks and animations of the birds are great! The thing that bothered me a bit was the style differences between the assets. Birds are cartoonish, bg and other assets has more realistic details. Overall polished and addictive game, and fun to play ^^!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks, I'm aware of the style differences, I used assets from other games I have scrapped, these are just temporary assets for the jam, they will be changed to pixel art after the rating period is over. The only asset that I made specifically for this jam was actually the bird.

About the panic atmosphere, when you are trying to focus on killing the birds as fast as you can and you have 5-7 seconds until they start pooping, the game starts being really stressful when you reach the maximum speed (500 kills) and you are playing on Hardcore mode - the birds appear, you miss them once, twice, then you can't keep track of which bird appeared first. I think that turned out really great.

I made the bird's spritesheet by looking at the reference to not just copy someone's work.

Here's the comparison, my first spritesheet drawing attempt

The reference on the left is really smooth, mine doesn't look that great, the legs are totally messed up, but I think it's fine for the first try, I really rushed this one. Looks more like a penguin. I hope my next attempt will be way better. Thanks for the comment!

I have to test HC mode :D