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There are so many different emotions and concepts screaming for attention in this game. The links to the developer's previous project, Rot, are also welcome... if only because having a little bit of familiarity amidst the madness is oddly comforting.

From sly digs at certain governments and their cuts in funding, to  a strange number-based experiment to absolute hell and back, all within the space of half an hour. It's honestly one of the strangest and horrifying rides I've ever been on, with a faint ray of hope appearing right at the end of it all.

Michael really has a talent for taking raw feelings and throwing them into an interactive story format. While this may not have as much creeping horror as Rot did, there's still a lot to enjoy (if that's the right word!) with this one.

So, first thing to do is head over to the page for Rot and play that before this one. Just to get yourself into the right (or wrong?) frame of mind before diving into this thought experiment.

It's another thumbs-up from me, I can't remember the last time a game left me with equal feelings of despair and hope.

Mikey! Just finished watching the let's play and I have to say thanks so much for your kind words and continued support, it means so much and I'm glad to have seen your channel grown since Rot too!

Hope you and yours are doing well in these crazy times, and I hope to be able to swing more games your way soon my friend <3