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After playing the game for quite a bit, here are my biggest complaints, and a few suggestions.
There seems to be some sort of issue with the AI pathing for the villagers/settlers, I read in the patch notes that you fixed enemies fleeing into walls, but the same thing happens with your own people, this happens a lot if they pick something up, like a chest or a golem etc, that is particularly close to an obstacle, and I find my gatherers in particular doing this a lot.

Also, unsure why this is, but at least in full-screen mode, screenshotting the game does not work for me, it produces a white screen.

Gates should either have an option to rotate them, or a second building that is a rotated version, building a weird gate sized lump into a wall to fit a vertical gate into the side of a base is weird.

I wish the basic towers we could build either had a maximum of 14 or 16, so that we could keep our defenses symmetrical, It's annoying to have one side of a base feel weaker than the other.

It would be great if there was an option to remove boulders or the dilapidated brick walls, even if it costed time or resources.

And finally a question, to what extent do you intend to continue updating the game? Do you consider 1.0 to have been a finished product and everything else are little extras, a lovely cherry on top, or do you still consider this an ongoing project?

Thanks for your time, first purchase I have actually made on, all my previous favorite games were free.

I'm aware of some of the pathing issues, its a separate bug from the enemies fleeing and is a bit more difficult. There should be a fix in the next update though.

The fullscreen screenshot issue I wasn't aware of, I'll look into it and see what I can do.

I also appreciate the suggestions, I'll keep them in mind.

As for the updates, I considered 1.0 complete enough to be released but I always intended to continue developing the game after release. I wanted to gauge peoples interest and get feedback from real players, which has been extremely helpful going forward. I do still consider this on active project, but I wouldn't call it early access or anything like that. You could consider it like a sort of 'soft launch'. While I can't say how long I'll keep updating the game I don't have any plans of stopping development anytime soon. I hope that answers your question.

I'm glad my game could be your first purchase on here. Thanks for all of the feedback and suggestions, I'll be sure to take them into account for the next update.

(2 edits)

Another thing that MIGHT be a nice addition, although I'm not entirely sure about the balancing, would be a forestry, a building that instead of planting crops, re-planted trees for harvesting material, possibly at a slow-ish rate.

I'm not sure if it was an intentional decision, but the "enemies" are actually in some ways more "good" than the player, they are protecting all the trees and nature from complete and utter destruction by humans, when I won the game earlier, there were almost no trees left, I had transformed the landscape into a desolate wasteland, and the forces of nature (the enemies) failed to stop me.

Slightly poetic, sort of a "Humans Are the Real Monsters" type situation.

I never thought of it like that but its kind of interesting that you could see it that way. There isn't much of it in game but the lore that I'd written has some similarities to that kind of situation, completely unrelated to trees though.

Also, I appreciate the suggestion.

This certainly feels like the kind of game where the developer knows more about the lore than the game tells. Haha, but yeah, the trees were just an example, and a way to tie it into the suggestion. :)