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(1 edit)

Hi Kronbits , longtime user of your excellent software - quick question: using the latest build of newpixatool, when i go to export, the export file name autofills as "download" and "all files" and refuses to export any images (I'm on a fresh windows 10 install, but this was doing this sporadically on my old W10 PC as well). On multiple open/closes, the problem persists. Tried changing the autofill name but it still doesn't export as anything. Any advice would be very much appreciated! Hope you are well friend : )

edit: confirming that the 64bit version 100% does this, but the 32bit version only does sporadically. I tried using a smaller image (around 2000px) and it seemed to have the problem less.


This is due the export image is bigger than 1.5mb . Use Batch export to avoid the file size limit.

Great, thanks for the quick response : )