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Love the game so far, just started chapter 2. There is one thing however that is annoying, the obstruction of the dialogue.. A way to hide the dialogue so you could get an unobstructed view of the tiddies or kitties is a must, or even a way to make the dialogue box opaque would be granted.  Other than that, great game and story, have you ever considered writing something else? Maybe a real game or an anime/comic? I'm serious, you are talented in plot development and character archs.

(1 edit)

I'm really glad that you had a good time, when it comes to the hide function, I'm guessing that you're on Android, I'm trying to take care of the hide function, I always thought it was on Android, I'll try to get one up for 0.7 !

As for my future projects, well, my main project is to make an entire game, (multiple hours of playtime) with romances, probably adult content, since on my opinion adult content is the peak of romance, although that project is closer to a dream than anything, perhaps in the coming years !

As for comics / anime, I sometime write some random fictions when I'm inspired while playing games, so who knows in the future !