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Very interesting submission and I like the idea of using the deck of cards for actions and items. I absolutely love the theme and would jump at the chance to play this game!

I worry that as an RPG you expect too much prior knowledge from players - that they understand certain concepts and ideas. A good example of this is on the monster stats - they all have a Heart value, but I have no idea what that means! Having said that, I'm not much of an RPG player, so I'm not sure if I'm the target market for this game.

One correction, it's the PCs that have a Heart stat, not the monsters. But I do see your point. 

The Heart stat affects how effective the "support ally" action is, and I should definitely have included that in the character sheets to make it clearer.  I've been playing TTRPGs since high school myself, so I'm probably making assumptions about what other people will know/understand that I shouldn't be. Thank you!