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Ok, I give up. How do you save a pattern or a song?

(1 edit)

Well, that was a bit convoluted but I got it! I have to say learning the Fairlight is as frustrating as it is enjoyable, it's not intuitive. Nonetheless this is an amazing piece of work, I can't wait to see what's coming! Thanks!

I felt the same the firt time i used it ,i couldn't find how to save the files,but then i read the help file on page 2, aswell as the guide and the user manual of the original fairlight,things got much clearer ,in on or two days i was much confortble .For everyone who's reading this and having the same trouble ,you have to go to page 2 "Disk control ,in the top you can see load/save option ,choose save(this activates save mode) then choose your file (in the file section)  ,then below ,you set the file name in the"NAME:" field,the command will appear ,so look to the top :D  maximum characters is 8 like in the original...then choose the file type . sound files are saved as ".VC" (voice) ,instrument ".IN"(all voices and controls) ,".CO"(voice controls,) page R composer ".RS",and you can also save the entire system ".SY"(".VC" ,".CO", ".IN" ".RS")... i like to save 2 files ".IN" and ".RS" and when you want to load my project ,i load both files(page 2) since you need both the intruments and the page R sequence,everything like the original fairlight. 

Thanks - the Fairlight has it's own way of doing things and I tried my best to replicate it. You can see why 'engineers' were highly sought after. You can also save wav files by using the 'wa' option.

Yes, I do know, I used a Synclavier from '89-'98 and the early days were painful. We're so spoiled using all these great apps and daws. I've been reading the original manuals for the IIX and they do help understand how the system works, and it is pretty basic.

My issue now is I'm not able to edit notes once they are in the pattern. I click on a note and get it's parameters in the left window, but any input I make is ignored. I've tried to change pitch, vel, panning to no avail. Is there something I'm missing? 

Ahh, I need to have Record armed to be able to edit notes on R page.