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I felt the same the firt time i used it ,i couldn't find how to save the files,but then i read the help file on page 2, aswell as the guide and the user manual of the original fairlight,things got much clearer ,in on or two days i was much confortble .For everyone who's reading this and having the same trouble ,you have to go to page 2 "Disk control ,in the top you can see load/save option ,choose save(this activates save mode) then choose your file (in the file section)  ,then below ,you set the file name in the"NAME:" field,the command will appear ,so look to the top :D  maximum characters is 8 like in the original...then choose the file type . sound files are saved as ".VC" (voice) ,instrument ".IN"(all voices and controls) ,".CO"(voice controls,) page R composer ".RS",and you can also save the entire system ".SY"(".VC" ,".CO", ".IN" ".RS")... i like to save 2 files ".IN" and ".RS" and when you want to load my project ,i load both files(page 2) since you need both the intruments and the page R sequence,everything like the original fairlight.