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Hello again, and welcome to another one of those comments where I absolutely just screw around with the game and thrash every bit of living life out of it.

Today, I have descended down into the deep darkness of what Viktor (and possibly Baldi) are hiding - or helpless to - with the help of something MrDrNose probably shouldn't have allowed you to transfer.

But first, here are all the random things I did leading up to that point just to increase the suspense unless you scroll down to the bottom of the post and spoil yourself before going up and reading the rest of it.

And also here's your obligatory spoiler warning. It's the deepest spoilers out there. I mean, literally, I'm finding secrets that are not even compatible with the established lore. But anyway, let's do this!

Now, do you see what I mean?

This is the ALBRT map, which costs only 30 DCoins as opposed to the 950 required to get the Rusty Knife from the STORE. And there'll be a lot more where that came from, hidden in the maps. Just full of artifacts that are even sold for much higher prices.

See, I want to completely block the consequential path of users just wasting away, farming DCoins, in order to exchange them for the school's secrets - to no real profit for the Watcher - from being crossed or allowed an option. I think that the people should just do it honestly. I still think this game (should be that it) is about experimentation and transtemporal relayering in order to completely flesh out the school and everything. I see it that Angell will be the last student to go to the school, as so many before her have crossed, died, created cryptic notes, and slowly advanced further and further to the point of near escape. But, anyway, other than that, I think I might just have to deal with the Watcher's carelessness...

Anyway, I think you should bring this back as well. You should summarise the points in both the description and my notice. (It is, still, outdated, but the important points should still be there.) Subsequent views at the beginning will be optional, of course.


Now, I want to talk about something that makes the locking of doors in Lil Puss absolutely pointless (except for one point, which is a rather big one now that I think about it).

Are you really just going to sit down and leave Untitled8 lying around for pe--HEY

No, Santa, I'm not interested in your darn presents!

people to just go and take the unbreakable coal?

Now, I kid you not, the unbreakable coal is OP. Sure, it may be strong enough to not only take out metal doors, but also completely destroy parts of the wall around it, but you'd expect it to be extremely heavy to have such resilient momentum conservation. If it was light enough for a normal human to throw, it wouldn't just go through the door! It'd bounce off it, like it normally does on the walls! And more inconsistencies ensue.

But while I'm talking about that, that does do something quite special.

Just, what. Now, I did talk about the doorframe holes before, but this is just on another level. It's insanity.

And then there's this.

I think the "crossing the Bunker" achievement is going to end up going the same way as the "death by Priest" achievement. Speaking of which, I've heard that dropping your sanity limit to 0 kills you again, but how the heck do I do that?

Now, you won't believe how many uses the coal has, even though all it does is break down doors, induce glitches and stun two characters. It allows me to do extraordinary things.

Note the lack of the hovering ring of stars adorning Viktor's head. You suck, Mr. Strobovski.

What a breathtaking view...and I think I found out where Laura spawns in Lil Puss.

oh oof lol

Now, this is just messed up, you see? I really don't have much to say...

That's where it is, people. And after gathering the remote, which was in an extensively more obvious location, the console, which was within view of an Antibreather plant that just goes to show how dwindled and dumbed down it's become because of the influence of the Watcher, and the controller, I've come, here. Now I know where Marzia spawns in Lil Puss mode, and you see what I mean about finding secrets that are not even compatible with the established lore.

Hello, Angell, welcome to my floor. Now get out of this game and go and do some studying, which, might I add, you'll inevitably fail to do because of your sheer lack of intellectual gain. I heard Viktor likes cats nowadays. Just kidding - you're going to die.

OK, I really don't like the look of this.


The whole thing is just rather sad.

AEWVS is such a different game to what it was before. Indeed, now the items actually behave, as opposed to just float in the air like they did when Markiplier played the game. I'm not even going to list the sheer amount of things that were added since even Neurobew last played it - and I daresay he failed. I mean, his channel isn't even active anymore even though I KNOW he's still around after responding to one of MrDrNose's recent tweets.

Now there are even more secrets, items, characters and things to mess with than ever before, and yet, the relied hub for the members of it's community - Discord - still has little more than 200 members. Sure, it allows MrDrNose to communicate and share with his community while he still can, but all of the people who once saw it - a fangame that stood out, until it was little more than that, and only so - are gone. They have more trendy and more important games to deal with.

I think MrDrNose sees all this, and has made the decision to...well...stop caring.

Were they really just playing FNAF before BBIEAL came around?

Now, this disc from "friend" used to be in Tar, which was accessed with the Gas Mask. Aaaaaaand now I think I've figured out the etymology of "Tarwill", now that it takes you to the land of the extinct-in-the-wild Tarwill instead. But I want to address the line of secrets for a moment.

Knife > Rust > Belt > Albert > Fork > Bunker > Mask > Chalk > Tarville

Now, pretty much all of the other secrets in the game simply branch off around the game and are all individual. But even though I don't know much about the land of Tarwill (that frustrating piece of paper never did me any good, and it was LITERALLY the other key I had to accessing it - will someone just give me the unscathed code already), it seems like the last secret in the line so far might go the same way as all of the other secrets - ending right there. I don't really know what could come next, except if it would happen to hide another important artifact. You know, it would be pretty fun, actually, if the line of secrets actually branched out and all came back together in the end.

Anyway, I decided to have a look at-


Okay, this doesn't make sense. Look,

Marzia went from the podium after I got all 10 notebooks. So isn't this where she went?

Are you trying to keep it a secret which Marzia is at the real spawn point? Because if so, you're one step ahead of me lol

And now for the shenanigans of the Untitled16.

Yes, even the new patch doesn't stop the Watcher from giving you money to take away it's endless supply of keys. I think it somehow knows that something's wrong, even though it doesn't really act like it. Anyway, because of this, I can go and look at all of the Untitled maps and decide which ones are my favourite! Some of them had me hooked for like an hour at a time because they were such fun to mess with.


Using a BANDAGE will literally save you from dying from necrotic infection, if you were to just stop the bleeding. The game doesn't have a wellbeing bar or anything on it at the moment, so what could be fuller logic at this point?

There are also those capsule shapes with arrows on them. They do this.

Don't do drugs, kids. OK but seriously don't, you don't have a PHD. Unless you're physically in a world as simple as DR MARIO WORLD

If you're going to die with progressive blood loss as a result of your death, bandages will literally save your life completely at every turn. And, you know, I want to talk about that. Even Konstantin XI has a death screen, but it never appears because Kostyan didn't kill you, blood loss did!

Well, yeah right, Viktor, Marzia, Mix, Laura and I didn't kill me, really. Decapitation, digestion, burning, drowning, impalement and blood loss did! You know, actually, the whole thing is tied to damaging or depleting your brain, so pretty much loss of brain function is always the thing that really kills you.

If I die of blood loss or insanity, which are causes of death given by many others, I also want the thing that killed me and made it happen. I think the thing that last stabbed me or made me insane should do it.


Now, I think I may have found the potential final boss of AEWVS...or something? I dunno, but the sound effects were very cinematic. Look at this weird thing.

Now, it throws sharp objects at you, launches things towards it, makes you insane and consumes you like Freek-a-del'ka. (Why did you cook that meatball, by the way? It looked better raw.) It's in Untitled14, and one time, when I was playing it, I got exceptionally savvy and multitasked breathing, walking and putting all of the sharps in the trash bins and consuming all of the food. Nothing happened, though, and I was too lazy to trash the compass, clock, bones and pieces of paper as well.

Okay, so now for a map I found very amusing.

You REALLY do not want to see the name of this item. (The one I'm not holding is fine.) But it's fun.
As you can see, items support a lot of physics now. I'd like to see what'd happen if you tried that with the bobbing floating items!

Threw some flash mines at the bear traps. The plates are inexplicably floating in the air now.

Anyway, back to the Language level again.

Hiding under the table makes you unfindable since the AIs are always at ground level or a bit higher. That being said, this is rather frightening.

Look what it does!
Go on, wind him up, it won't do you any good or more bad than you have now...

Notice that I brought daylight to Language pursuit. The way I did that will be revealed soon, but I will tell you straight away it has something to do with the coal.

Oh god, I just realised I think I might have changed the resolution from 70 to 100 between screenshots. Oh noes.

I find that coal to be a very useful artifact. Great for ruining the game and messing around with it.

Strolley down the halley! And what is this?

Oh. w--

What is this???

Yeah I did drop all my items. You think I'm dumb enough to put spoilers at the top of the page? Well I am dumb enough to succumb to ADHD LOL
But not this...

To be continued

P.S. I just ran out of characters. I'll finish in a reply.

(1 edit) (+1)


So anyway...

A rack room?

OH, so that's how you tell if you're transported to another location! Gotcha. Always one step ahead with this trusty air-polluting rock.

So THIS is what--

Ah yes, I really like the TrrrrrrOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ROOM

Yep. Just a big empty void I wasn't meant to see. Apparently the game can be broken more than the coal. Spawn the needles rather than the Thiccobreathers, unlike them the needles will eventually despawn as long as you don't pick them up.

In case you didn't know, you can put items behind paintings. Apparently there's a dead mouse behind the painting in the corrupt greeting room.LET"SEATIT
Speaking of which, what's in the lockers?


I accidentally ate those chips :(

Nowhere to go but on...

Oh. Freak...

I plan to break every door I pass from now on.

Wait, I haven't been here yet?

Okay, I am being thoroughly bamboozled. A copy of the room I was just in, transported yet again. Hooh, three copies! Now where am I?

Oh, didn't expect to be teleported as soon as I opened the door. Let's explore the Math Level's old Tar!

Oh, that's...quite bemusing.

I'm always a different distance from the entrance, see. I think I'll have to map this.

Whoa, refreshing food AND drink in this corrupt world? Thanks!

Yeah, I don't really like them chaaaaar burns, myself.

Well, this is the end. Ready?

Imagine having Spoxxys there lol

Might have some fun while I'm here...


Hmm, what's this? Interesting...

Well, I'll have to map this later. As for now, I think we ought to stop here. 38 images just for my descent into madness. I might have to stop this.

So, I'll tell you now how I got daylight in Language after dark.

This area is always lit.

Just find a door that leads to nowhere, fall in, and get transported back into the normal world! :D

Well...Bye. Oh, oh, before I go, I want to see what's at the end of the normal hall, to see if anything changed since I last saw it.

The wiki told me Antibreather was at the end of here.

Well it didn't change. Clearly I was lied to


The Antibreather's there now, lol, this was a great read.

This is a very interesting comment to read. I have to strongly agree with the coal, I hold the same beliefs as you. Two people even used coal to beta language brainiac with math notebooks. Hahaha.