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This was really well done! I managed to finish it on my third try, I even did an on the run walkthrough!

I don't know if it was a glitch or not but the first time i played i got no ammo or health...

(2 edits) (+1)

Just finished your video and left some comments. That actually was not a bug, you forgot to pickup the ammo in the beginning of the first run, you can the see of bullets sitting on the table as you walked away and questioned the 1 bullet lol. But anywho, thanks so much for playing! Really enjoyed your video, and watching you strategize your plan of approach! Congrats on beating it, and we're so glad you enjoyed your time. Consider updating to the newest version and giving it another go, tons of new stuff, and those who finish all 3 modes in the finished version get their name in the game.