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A member registered Aug 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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This was fantastic and I was instantly freaked out cos I stopped my Spanish lessons a while ago haha 

A really interesting SCP game! 

An actual honest review: It ain't great, there are a lot of problems but those problems do make for a great video: 

This game was fantastic and I loved how tense it got by the end! 

Great game! The guy just walking towards me freaked me out! 

This was pretty interesting, I look forward to what more comes from this! 

This was really good! I'm pretty sure I got all the endings! 

Short and creepy! 

I loved the character models in this! 

This was fantastic! I can't wait to see what more comes of this! 

This was a fantastic start! Can't wait to see more! 

This was great! Definitely got a few jumps and laughs out of me! 

This is a fantastic start, can't wait to see more! 

Interesting game, my playthrough is at 8:27! 

This was great! Loved the detail of tentacles! My playthrough is at 4:26 in my video: 

Interesting Game & Interesting Story! Well done dev! 

This was fantastic! I'd definitely be interested in a second one if it's possible!

The jumpscare got me so good! Also great for the humbnail!

Interesting game, Santa scared the crap out of me! It's at 4:26 

Short and sweet, love it! It's 2:24 in my vid. 

Great little game though the doors were a pain. 

This was really good, nice amount of detail in the notes as well. 

This was fantastic and so much deeper then I thought it would be! 

This was fantastic and so stressful, even my chat were stressed out by this. Well done dev!

There are so many bugs dude, I think I'm going to have nightmares! 

It was alright, i feel like the monster should have been used for more then just the screamers. 

This was really great! The atmosphere was perfect! 

This was incredibly creepy, well done dev! 

This legit terrified me! 

Interesting game, bloody weird monster! 

Interesting little game! 

The game is more like 30 seconds then 2 minutes, maybe add more to it. 

Definitely needs work... I did a full review! 

Fun game, well done! 

Definitely an improvement from the first game, keep it up! 

The cheep jumpscares got me every time haha 

The game looks really bloody weird BUT the horror is really good! 

This was quite interesting, I'd love to see more! 

This one surprised me! 

This was great! Incredibly creepy