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I'm not using anything but simple ANSI C and the standard library (plus some code from Serdaco for driving the OPL2LPT, hacked to support a regular Adlib as well). I should probably be using Allegro, but I'm too lazy for that :P

The last time I touched on Pascal was some good 10 years ago, maybe more. It's a fine language, but I grew too used to C(++) to simply give up from it. Sure, up until 2 years ago, the move from C++ to C would sound ludicrous to me, but now it made perfect sense.

To be honest, as much as I know about interrupts in theory and have invoked quite a few from ASM embedded em C, but  not 100% sure I'm doing it correctly. It works and nothing blew up in flames (yet), so I'm ok with that, but I would love to play PCM sound over a Sound Blaster some day. Maybe I will have to get down to some protected mode ASM. But not today.

For running on modern platforms, in situations where there's no direct PCM sound, I simply play a recorded version of my OPL2 sound (like, for instance, what I did with the Android version of Noudar: - works surpringly well.

I also always keep a debug version working with SDL, so I can leverage modern development tools and simply have a DOS/Amiga/etc Makefile.

Keep the good stuff coming! :D


Thanks to your attention... I will continue with Pascal. I like program on Dos, my most important problem for now, is UEFI booting. Of course I am waiting FreeDOS resolve the problem. Rufus (USB booting) works well with my software but compiler is not working. Sorry, it is another history....