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Well my first fight took me over 10 minutes. I was trying all the skills on some fire slime but realized I couldn't be killed so ending up just spamming attack. 

Next fight I realized that the attacks that say damage enemy, actually means enem(ies) meaning all and they are super OP.

After that i could walk through any fight till the end. Even then the bosses do so little damage and I had so much passive HP regen I had no worry of death. Pretty sure I found 100+ healing items and used one just for kicks, never needed too though.

The first map almost made me quit until near the end I found out I could sprint with sirit draining,... Actually loved it after that!

Really beautiful map love the resized sprites( I WANT THEM).

Story was ok I'm thinking english is your second language? But artistically it was the best game so far!

Loved fighting the RTP main group, Harold and luciuos and the gang.