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(1 edit) (+1)

digging through the trash for food is such realistic gameplay 

it is indeed a quest of modern life

But to be serious I like the way you can interact between 2 characters but there were a lot of things that I didn't like: basically its everything that AceOfAces said and also tutorials. Tutorials should be short and clear but in this game they're like annoying people on messengers who spam you 10 messages with 1-3 words instead of just sending one big message with all the info. Dialog boxes in RPG maker have 4  lines you should use them. In the last tutorial it even said "this is the last tutorial" twice! Why do you even need a tutorial to tell people how to dig in trash? They can figure it out by themselves XD And there also were some logical inconsistencies at the ending.

Thank's i'll remember how i should use the dialogue box. 

Ah i kinda forgot if i said the last tutorial twice XD but i'll keep it and would change it.
i want to make a game that more sense but don't really have time when i realise on day 3 it's already almost 30 minute so i just end the story so people would finish it quickly. most likely the slow gameplay that makes it long.