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A shortish experience that ended up being pretty good. I enjoyed it overall but was never truly scared.


- There were not many jump scares, most scares had some sort of lead up which I think is better practice.

- Visuals were nice at most parts

- The game leads you along pretty well without much need for direct guidance

- Audio for walking or music was good or at least didn't feel out of place


- Most scares did not affect me much, maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it

- Visual detail was not as consistent as I would like. Some items would have a great amount of detail and others would almost look like simple geometry.

- The whole "the game is actually real" thing never caught me off. It would be more convincing if the game actually made changes to your files or pulled you out of the game.

- The flashlight was not useful in a lot of parts of the level and I ended up with a surplus of batteries.

- The area where you are descending the stair case after leaving the starting area is much lower quality.

For this being your first game and being developed in such a short span this is rather impressive.


Thank you for the feedback. I am still learning a lot and with time my flaws become more obvious. I hope you come back when chapter 2 is out!