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That's a lot of deer :D 

I started 1 minute late because I was searching for the pen, and hadn't noticed the sprint button.
I liked the idea and that you prevented it from being repetitive by entering a different phase:
-- a phase that requires the player to be on the pen.

Overall cute art, solid controls, interesting sounds, and alright premise.

I actually disliked the feeding sounds, were feeling like an explosion, and flooded really quick.
I have no strong feelings for the 'story' part of the game but it seems to be serving your purpose.


Hey, thank you for playing and for the feedback!

Adding a little tutorial is on my todo list, I'll definitely show where is the pen :) And sprint needs some rethinking, might just remove it and make the character faster overall. The feeding sound was actually an explosion from sfxr :D I will replace it along with watering sound, for sure. The story was little cute background to give you a reason to collect these deer.

Thanks again, I'm happy you played my game! :)