Post bug reports here. If applicable, it helps if you give a direct quote of the game text or any error messages you receive. Try to provide as much context as possible.
Hey there!
I've been playing your game for some time now, and it's awesome! However, I have a slight problem, since after saving in the Alpha Kindergarten my save is sort of corrupted now...
The thing is: I am missing two of the keystones, the red and the yellow one. I had them inserted into the doorframe in the Far Station and they're gone now. I managed to go into one room, but it's empty since I've been there already. Also, the bats I encountered so far now have following stats: [Level 17 | HP: 34 | Attack: 25 | Defense: 11]. The Keystones are nowhere to be found, I only have blue and green in my inventory. I checked both doors. I believe it's not saved if there are key gems in the door slots, but I don't know why the enemy stats changed, too. This happened after I reloaded my save after losing my first battle against Amethyst.
I hope this helps with identifying the problem.
Have a nice day! :D
Regarding the stats, what were they before, and how many areas did you clear before starting the Kindergarten?
I think I know what happened: When I first released the Kindergarten, I had to update existing saves to initialize the door slot variables to blanks. I thought that wouldn't trigger for anyone coming in later, but it looks like it did. (Is this the first time you've reloaded a save?) If that's the case, it shouldn't be too hard to fix; I'll just have to make another save update.
Edit: Actually, if that was the case, the treasures in the Kindergarten should all reset too. Is that the case?
I don't really know what stats the enemies had before, but they were dealing way more damage than before. Comparing them to the stat points available to my characters they had around 6 points more (Garnet had no HP upgrades and ATK: 19 | Def: 11 at level 18). The bat stats would probably have been something around [ATK: 19 | Def: 11], however I could be wrong here. It just seemed like they were way stronger than before, seeing as my whole team (Garnet (18), Peridot (18), Jasper (18) and Stevonnie (19) ) was almost defeated by four bats at level 17.
Regarding the cleared areas: I played pretty much straightforward. I've completeley cleared the strawberry battlefield and the barn, including all treasures. Lapis says I have 2 more treasures remaining in the Kindergarten, so those didn't reset, it seems.
This is not the first time I've reloaded/loaded a save, but probably the first time where I had after manually putting stones in the door slots and having left them there.
Regarding the stats, that sounds like it's just the most recent update. Enemies now gain free points of Attack every stage and their attacks have higher power weights. (If they almost defeated you but you were still able to win, then it's working exactly as intended! You're fully restored after every battle, so I wanted individual battles to be more difficult.)
This is not the first time I've reloaded/loaded a save, but probably the first time where I had after manually putting stones in the door slots and having left them there.
Then that must not be it; even if there was some weirdness with your save not getting initialized correctly the first time, it should have updated to the current version on your first load.
I'm sorry, but I really have no idea what could have done this. The only other code that interacts with the door slots are the options to add and remove keystones; there should not be anything that affects them remotely. When I reload my own pre-Amethyst save, the keystones are still there, so I can't replicate this.
I've added a save update that should replace the keystones in your inventory. It'll be included in the next update, which will go live this afternoon.
Hello, I've run into some trouble in the Forge level. You're supposed to combine metals together to make an alloy, but whenever I press one of the switches, the creatures always come over to test the new bridge without me getting the opportunity to select a second metal to mix it with, meaning that it always fails their test. Am I missing something?
Ah, I see. In that case I seem to have just run into a bug where the requirements are impossible to meet, because I've tried all the metal and cooling combinations to no avail. I've read that a previous patch has made it so that reloading a save will reset the strength value required, but that doesn't seem to be working for me.
Well, I've tried every combinaton of metals with both the slow and rapid cooling options. The closest I get to a succesful result is using the Vanadium metal switch together with the rapid cooling switch. This gets me as far as the creatures attempting to bend it in half and succeeding, before tossing it away. Every other metal and cooling combination causes the process to fail earlier. I've successfully built a conveyor bridge two times before, both times by just using the vanadium switch. Its only on the third bridge that the cooling setting became a selectable option.
The closest I get to a succesful result is using the Vanadium metal switch together with the rapid cooling switch. This gets me as far as the creatures attempting to bend it in half and succeeding, before tossing it away.
Can you quote the exact text, please?
How many minibosses have you beaten? The cooling options should have appeared after Judgement.
I've beaten 2 of Bismuths arm things. I think judgement was the second one.
The text is:
You flip the switch. One of the smaller vessels starts churning, and thin streams of molten liquid flow from both it and the large smelter to combine in another vat. There's some more shaking and banging, and then the product is disgorged into the main channel.
The monsters immediately burst to life, swarming the metal like starving animals. They crawl and wriggle all over it, constantly poking and prodding even as they work it into a new shape. When they're done, you're delighted to see they've produced a new conveyor!
You pull the lever down, and the ground falls out from under the new conveyor! It drops into what appears to be a vat of water, which immediately froths into a boil. The conveyor rises again, steaming but cooled into a solid shape. But it's not over yet. The monsters keep running their fingers over the metal.
With a viciousness that startles you, one grabs a small hammer and slams it down hard. The arm-monster recoils from the impact, and the new conveyor appears unblemished.
"Oh, I see!" Pearl says. "Adding vanadium increased the hardness of the metal. How fascinating!"
The monsters take a small piece out of the stream and begin doing… something with it. First one squeezes it between its thumb and forefinger, and after a few seconds of that, two grasp one end each and try to pull it apart. To your relief, they don't succeed.
But then for some reason they keep pulling and prodding at the new conveyor – really hard, too! It looks like they're trying to break it!
And they do. As they try to bend it, the whole thing snaps in half. They throw the ruined pieces into the lava.
You wail and tug at your hair as you watch the new conveyor melt into slag. What was wrong with it? You'll just have to try again!
If I cool it slowly, I get:
You pull the lever up, and pistons suddenly descend from the ceiling to pound at the conveyor. Its surface becomes more even under the assault, the small lumps and irregularities in the metal smoothing out. When they're finished, you wait as the metal slowly cools. It rings out a beautiful melody as it does, the crystals crinkling as they settle. But it's not over yet. The monsters keep running their fingers over the metal.
With a viciousness that startles you, one grabs a small hammer and slams it down hard. The arm-monster recoils from the impact, and the new conveyor appears unblemished.
"Oh, I see!" Pearl says. "Adding vanadium increased the hardness of the metal. How fascinating!"
The monsters take a small piece out of the stream and begin doing… something with it. First one squeezes it between its thumb and forefinger, and after a few seconds of that, two grasp one end each and try to pull it apart.
It breaks with an audible snap. The rest of the monsters don't even hesitate before flinging the whole thing into the lava.
You wail and tug at your hair as you watch the new conveyor melt into slag. What was wrong with it? You'll just have to try again!