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Overall, I very much enjoyed this! :D

I loved the section within the school: carrying out the ritual; interacting with the other students; the pacing of the spookiness; the eventual disappearance of the others; and even the music--all were excellent, I felt.

The section in the other world did, however, leave me a little cold I fear. The various doors seemed interesting, and I liked the suddenly-long corridor that led to the "ordinary key"--but I was disappointed to only pass through a few of those doors. Furthermore, the final section took place in a series of mostly-empty corridors, only spiced up by the gloating of the mysterious other entity.

That said, I rather liked the characters, and the writing seemed good. I also really liked that there seemed to be some choice in how to proceed at various points, such as whether or not to return the drama-room key.

I'm very interested to see where this goes, and am eager to see more! ^_^


Thank you for your detailed comment!! We understand exactly what you mean about the 2nd part, it's definitely something we would like to improve ^^ However, only accessing part of the doors is intended for this "prologue" for reasons we can't explain yet ;) 

Fair enough on both points, and the comment is my pleasure! ^_^

To the first point, I'm interested to see what improvements you may make! ^_^

As to the doors, that does make sense! Well, I'm interested to someday see what lies beyond them, then. ^_^

PS: Something that I was reminded of in watching a let's play: the inclusion of minigame-style puzzles--in this case the desk-pushing puzzle--was a welcome addition, as I recall. ^_^