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game doesn't proceed on day 15

omg! Can you tell me your game version? Is it the demo or the launched one?


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can you join discord or send me a printscreen?

do you remember your last steps? did you go on a hunt or slept to recover stamina?

slept to recover stamina on day 14 twice

I'm checking it right now!

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I couldn't find any bug during this specific scene. Are you waiting at least 2 seconds before closing the game? The 'black scene'  is a part of this cut-scene. Can you send your save folder to I'll check your save file.

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Guys, I've uploaded a new version. Can you test this new one (1.00b)? Maybe your save file will not work.

guys, any news? Tomorrow I'll update a new version with bugs fixed and new improvements.

Sorry been busy, ill check it out today and let you know.

All good now! thanks!

Thank you!

I'm having th same problem. I played the launched version on day 14 I upgraded the cleaner then prepared dish 2 then worked on Francis 3. Then on  Kyle's turn, he walked out of the inn, to the tower, complained about being bored, then said something or other "idiot" and the screen went black except for his picture and the music is still playing but the game is completely frozen. :(

I'm checking it right now!

I couldn't find any bug during this specific scene. Are you guys waiting at least 2 seconds before closing the game? The 'black scene'  is a part of this cut-scene. Can you send me your save folder to I'll check your save file.

any news?