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Thank you for the detailed feedback!


Absolutely. If a good game goes on a giveaway, and I still can't afford to tip, then a thorough review is the bare minimum with which I should reciprocate. Further thoughts now that I beat it:

  1. Just a tiny thing: it would be interesting to see the new rescued robot be a random type instead of always a Defender.
  2. I realized that that movement bug can be reproduced if you select multiple robots and try to run them into a wall, so this could help with debugging. Also, if you have an Engineer on one side of a mineral deposit, and have it construct an extractor on the exact opposite side, it will run forever into the mineral deposit instead of around it to get to working on the extractor (at least, it did that for me most recently).
  3. Shift+clicking other robots to add to your current selection would be nice. Currently Shift does nothing in that regard. As for this, I think the Shift prerequisite to select units is the biggest issue that I had with FO's keyboard shortcuts, when it compares to other RTSs (I've played the gamut... StarCraft, TA, WC3, Homeworld, Red Alert): considering how the max amount of special abilities per class is only two anyways, those could be mapped out to, say, R and T (or, at best, be user-defined), and have unit selection be maintained in the classic numerical way of other games – without needing Shift.
  4. I was a bit upset that defeating the boss instantly triggers the ship to leave, which made me get caught off-guard by the abrupt ending. I was upset because it felt like my valuable robots which fought so hard against the boss were simply left behind as meaningless tools; I wasn't given a chance to return them to the ship.
    Speaking of that stage: about the EMP effect on the ship, it would have been very interesting if its laser was disabled, to force the player to rely on turrets alone. It felt a bit too easy once I got into the groove of four turrets + one engineer for constant self-repair while the 3 others crawled across the map as one solid group.

Despite these little matters, it is a cool game and a very interesting take on the tower defense genre! The closest thing I can think of that I've also played is Infested Planet (in which the focus is to destroy those enemy spawn points outright, before they overwhelm you!).