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but a guide would litterally be just the passwords at this point, i suppose you could make it like the old extracurricular activities ones. Day 1 - say cute - tyson +1 like. But the real relationship stuff is only just getting going everything before bensons death is close to a prologue at the moment. Of course that will change in the future grizz is already putting greyed out options in the early days but right now a guide wouldn't really work.

Oh, all the greyed out optioned you can select if you've done the appropriate prerequisites. There aren't any "locked out" options as far as I recall.

As far as guides, I'm working on them slowly and will make them public once they're up to date. Probably in the next couple months or so.

Although a wiki would be neat. My only concern is like... people putting assumptions or false information on there that could mislead people, and that's something I don't have the time to manage alongside everything else.