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Fantastic! I'm getting strong Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes vibes from this and I love it. It's pretty hard though, I never finished the first level.

Just nitpicks:

* The switches immediately flip back sometimes. Seems to be inconsistent and a bug though.

* Some instructions are way harder than others. Like setting the switch number is basically the same as activating certain switches but way more difficult.

Other than that, as I said, I love it.


Thank you! That's exactly the game I had in mind while creating this. As far as I know most people didn't manage to pass the first level, even though I didn't imagine it to be this hard.

Anyway, the flip back  of the switches is not a bug, it's an actual feature, ahahah. I wanted to make it like the hardware was faulty sometimes.

For the switches number there's an intuition behind them that makes it easier (I guess, or maybe it's still difficult even when you know it).