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Thank you for your feedback! To be honest, stating the things that you'd like to see improved is more helpful for me than just an "I like it", so I'm grateful.

One of the issues I want to fix in the next update is about the password, yes, mostly telling the player their guess was wrong and starting again when they don't get the right answer. I see that I should add a hint, too. But you talk about bugs, and those were supposed to be fixed already. What bugs exactly have you found?

I'm glad you like the story so far! ;)  And yes, I do have a Patreon, which is a good way of helping me fund my current ongoing project, Night and Day! This is the link:

(1 edit) (+1)

aah no I meant bugs as in just the password(though i guess password isn't technically a bug) thing and the music stopping if loading or going back . besides those two I didnt notice any other bugs. and ok I will make sure to give to the patreon when I can!