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Thanks! I actually uploaded a patch a week ago that fixed the resolution problem, as well as some others people had mentioned. I was concerned that with the jam being over, no one was gonnna get to see the changes I made, but it looks like I don't need to worry about that anymore! I loved the video, and you got pretty close with your plot predictions.

You might want to check out the comments. Viewers love the morse! Also one comment says "They seem to be in the same situation as you. You are GVH while they are GVI" - I totally missed that (I actually thought GVH was something like the game dev's signature) 

Yeah I did notice that everyone was replying in morse code. Unfortunately my morse isn't as good as you might expect from someone who made a game about morse code, so I'm gonna have to pull out the translator. I'm glad someone picked up on the GVH implication though.