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Not bad, world one's boss was pretty tough for 1 player i had to try like 8 times XD It was somewhat tough to know where I was to go, there wasnt a clear indication for patterns in the boss fight and the sound effects were a bit jarring esp the eyeballs death sound when you shoot multiple arrows that play the on death sound each. Music was fantastic

Hey thanks so much for playing and giving feedback!  And such specific feedback at that! Very helpful!

Did you play through all 3 worlds by yourself!?  That is quite impressive!

I will turn the eyeball death sound down and maybe add a small pause when world1 boss changes direction (he changes randomly).

I can't take credit for the music, but I can point you to the guy that made it.

Thanks again for the comment and for giving my humble game a go, it really helps me make it better.  :)