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The game looks interesting but the beginning is confussing, the fact that you have to click "e" like a thousand times to get out of the cage while filling everyhing with glow sticks in the middle makes you think you're not doing it right.  The monsters are too fast, there is no chance for escape.

Thank you LeeLooD! To exit the cage, as the player's character says in the dialog system, you just need to push the door a few times, after it says to. The glowing sticks, as it will have explained later, can be used to mark places you've visited, and know that are right, wrong, or just too dangerous (you'll be able to see them even from a pretty far distance, even if there is a lot of fog). As you suggested, me and my team will make the game a little easier, and will make better instructions on how to play! Thanks for the feedback and for playing! :D