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(1 edit)

Also, I would love to help test pre-released updates. If you allow me and if it's possible with my schedule. :D

Hey Redbaron14n,

Follow me on facebook. Ever so often, i'll make announcements on needing beta testers. Also, best way to contact me as well.

If you click on Download now from the website, you can choose a donation method.

(2 edits)

And that's where my plan fails, I don't have a facebook account. However, I don't think it will take long to create one.

Also, I really love your game. My birthday just rolled around and my grandparents absolutely spoil me. So... yeah... big donation...

Like seriously, I need help... this game... it's too much fun... I LOVE IT!!! I think it's because all I've played for the longest time are shooters such as COD and Halo, this is just so different... it's unbelievably fun! It's like eating salad all your life then getting the BIGGEST, most DELICIOUS ice-cream ever!