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Thanks, Punk Wrangler!

The game is intended to be GMless, but I'm realizing now that although the rules allow for that, I never stated it explicitly. I'll see if I can run an update to make that clearer.

As for your other questions, they're ones I had considered myself, but I just didn't have the space to resolve them in the text. As you say, that's the nature of microRPGs. Here are some answers:

  • In each dream, at least one player should face an indulgence. In a two-player game, have each player choose two indulgences and don't include any indulgences in the 3rd dream.
  • The effects of 1 injury or 2 injuries are purely narrative, but if a Lotus-Eater sustains 3 injuries, they die.
  • In dreams of the two gods (not Zeus), if you draw a 3rd card, instead draw 2 cards. Discard the higher of these 2 cards and use the lower card as your 3rd card, as normal.

When I get the change to update Lotuspunk, I may use these answers or I may make other decisions or revisions.

Thanks again for your feedback!

– Andrew


Cool, I'm interested to see how things may change with this game over time!