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I really neat+creative idea

The funny method of interacting was actually really good.

The downside was that communicating this to the player was tricky :S This can be an awkward problem with really creative ideas, unfortunately

The main menu wasn't obvious - maybe it should have said "Press ASDF SPACE to move your fingers" on the menu screen so that it also helped teach controls, and had options jiggle when you were pointing at them so there was a hint that that would be the interaction.

Hitting enter when you'd made the shapes wasn't obvious either, as this wasn't really communicated clearly. I'd likely remove this altogether, and just have it proceed when you held the right shape for a few seconds.

The second game mode of time trials was actually a lot more fun imo. This felt like your strongest foot for the game, but unfortunately it was locked behind progression.

Not meaning to be negative though - your game is actually one of the most creative I've seen so far; The graphics and presentation were really nice, and the controls were goofy but entertaining, with fitting sound effects. Creatively it was really neat, game-wise it just needed some streamlining so players weren't so lost.

Hope you continue to make neat creative things!

Thanks a lot for your comment. I know there are many things to improve and make clearer, but I unfortunately ran out of time. If I happen to make an updated version I’ll be sure to add your suggestions.