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I was never especially fond of modern 3D graphics, and I've become less so as time went on. So starting around 2011 I've done a bunch of research into now-forgotten rendering techniques such as voxels (not in the Minecraft sense) and wireframe, before settling on sprite scaling as the most simple, flexible and expressive pseudo-3D, a.k.a. 2.5D, technique. The articles I wrote on all these topics remain however, if you'd like to see them, along with my engines and tools.

As for concept art, some of my favorite games as a kid were Elite, Lords of Midnight and The Sentinel. The likes of Space Harrier and Star Fox also left an impression. And more recently, I described a spaceship in one of my stories as "a great mechanical shark", which later inspired me to create one of my better 3D scenes and models, respectively. Hope this helps!


Thank you soooo much this was a perfect response! Especially the articles that you wrote they help a lot!


I'd love to see what you come up with, if you don't mind sharing.

Hi !time2play,

Regardless of your less-fond outlook on 3D graphics, you might find the following of interest (since I had a look at you "engines and tools page!!!).

It is a type of tetrahedral voxel builder & I would appreciate any feedback from what I can gather would be an expert opinion.

Kind regards,


Thank you for the confidence; I'm afraid my computer is just a little too old to run your editor. I'll see if I can use a faster one.